Protocols & Herbs.

Why is there a need to detox?

Environmental issues such as global warming, ozone-layer depletion, overuse of pesticides and other chemicals, indoor pollution (electromagnetic fields, dust, animal hair, bedding, carbon monoxide, disinfectants, hair sprays, household cleaning products, lead, mold, TV and computer screens low level radiation, microwave radiation, paint, pesticides, radon, solvents, tobacco smoke, carpets, manufactured wood, clothes, plastic, pipes, …), are causes for concern.

Particularly if they affect the quality of water, food supply and our level of exposure to radiation and toxic metals. The body’s immune system can be the last line of defense against these environmental assaults. It is a complex network that protects us from infectious agents (viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms), allergens (substances that causes allergic reactions) and other pathogens (substances that causes disease). When something foreign threatens the body, the body responds by forming antibodies and producing increased numbers of white cells to combat the intruder. The kidneys and liver work to rid the body of toxins.
Thus, a properly functioning immune system is vital for good health, and proper nutrition is becoming increasingly important to help the body detoxify itself. When pollutants in our environment invade our bodies, they can cause such reactions as watery eyes, diarrhea, nausea, upset stomach, ringing in ears, asthma, bronchitis, stuffy nose, arthritis, fatigue, headache, eczema, depression, immune deficiency, cancer, poor academic performance, behavioral, emotional and learning disabilities.
The symptoms of environmental toxicity and environmental allergies can be very similar, but the mechanisms that cause them are different. Allergies result from an overreaction by the immune system to some substances encountered in the environment.
Environmental toxicity, on the other hand, is not a result of an immune system reaction, but a direct poisoning of tissues or cells, so that they can no longer function as they should. Allergic reactions usually begin to subside when contact with the offending allergen ceases, whereas toxicity-based problems can persist long afterwards, depending on the type and extent of the damage the toxins have caused (IgG, IgE).

What can you do to help your body to Detox?

Detoxing involves not only getting the toxins out of the body but also stopping the contamination sources as much as possible.


1. Diet - this is first and foremost!

Every bite we take
is either fighting disease
or feeding it"

  • Go 100% Organic.
  • Remove Gluten, Dairy, Soy, Corn, Sugar, and all processed foods.
  • Start with The REID program – whole foods diet. 
  • Read about REID program on
  • Transition into eating more fiber – at least 75% of your diet should be vegetables, leafy greens, fruits and berries.
  • Add home fermented veggies to your diet. Do it the right way, read my article: “Full Guide to Wild Fermented Sauerkraut for Gut Health”
  • Add 1/4 cup raw organic pumpkin seeds to your diet daily as a source of magnesium which helps the body to detox. Read about why we need magnesium HERE.
  • In case of lead toxicity make sure your diet is low in fat and contains adequate amounts of iron and calcium sources. The body absorbs lead more easily if it is lacking in calcium and iron or if it has been exposed to a high fat diet.

2. Reduce exposure to toxins as much as possible


They’re in the food we eat, the cleaning products we use, in the air we breathe, the clothes we wear and in the objects we touch. 

As consumers, we expect or perhaps assume that our everyday purchases were under every microscope in the lab to ensure they are safe to use before they put on the shelves, right? I used to think so! Not anymore. And a ton of independent research has shown that exposure to these toxic chemicals is linked to chronic disease, sensitivities and allergies, breast milk contamination, early onset-puberty, neurological disorders, cancer, diabetes and autoimmune diseases to name a few…
The great news is that you can reduce the risk to you, your family and the planet by shedding the nasties and choosing non-toxic organic products and services. 

  • Eat only organically grown foods. Glyphosate – Dr. Stephanie Seneff talks about glyphosate, and how that disrupts your hormones, disrupts cholesterol metabolism, disrupts your liver’s ability to detox your body, how it disrupts gut bacteria and causes so many different health conditions, including autism, dementia, ALS, cancer, etc. and how to detox it.
  • Use only stainless steel, glass, or iron cookware.
  • Drink clean water (artesian spring water, well water, distilled, or filtered…) You can find a source of artisian spring near you on 
  • Add Shungite stones into your water. Read more about it HERE. Buy shungite HERE
  • Use non-toxic cleaning, self-hygiene products (homemade are the best choice)
  • Do not use microwave.
  • Ventilate your home well.
  • Test for mold, lead, radon.
  • Clean your vacuum frequently. If possible, replace synthetic furniture, mattresses, carpets and rugs with cork or wood flooring and natural fibers.
  • Use mercury free light bulbs.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not use pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
  • Reduce EMF exposure.

3. DETOX. Simple Protocols

  1. Epsom salt baths
  2. Consider Colon Cleanse, Enemas
  3. Homeopathy and EO.
  4. Juicing
  5. Exercise
  6. Rebounding
  7. Sauna.
  8. Forest Bathing
  9. Barefooting
  10. Dry brushing
  11. Sun exposure
  12. Consider WATER FASTING 3 days each month to help the body to get rid of toxins. More HERE
  13. Castor oil packs have been said to help improve liver detoxification naturally, support uterine and ovarian health, improve lymphatic circulation and reduce inflammation.
  14. Yoga. See my article “Inversions for detox, immune system, brain, stress and more…benefits of being upside down”
  15. Massages.
  16. And Lots of LOVE!

The 4 Minute Workout - The Nitric Oxide Release.

a new workout by Dr. Zach Bush, Doctor of Endocrinology, Metabolism, Internal Medicine and Palliative Care.
What is nitric oxide?
Your body produces nitric oxide for ”vasodilation, meaning it relaxes the inner muscles of the blood vessels, causing them to widen and increase circulation. Nitric oxide production is essential for overall health because it allows blood, nutrients and oxygen to travel to every part of your body effectively and efficiently.”

the Nitric Oxide Dump is a new version of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that is designed to stimulate the release of nitric oxide, which can catalyze and promote health.

Detox with Epsom Salt Baths.

This is one of our first interventions we had done on our healing journey. And we saw an immediate result!
My kids get Epsom salts baths 5-7 days a week. 1-2 cups of Epsom salt in a tub of water filled up to the belly button. Minimum 20 minutes. As a precaution: start with 1/4 of a cup, as some cannot tolerate high amounts of Epsom salt.

The skin is our largest organ, 60% of chemicals in cosmetics ends up in the bloodstream. It takes 26 seconds for cosmetics to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
“if you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin.”
there happens to be some controversy on that, and some say that 


"our skin protects us from the daily onslaught and can stop certain chemicals from getting into our bodies. Every person is different and every chemical is different. It is always good to question what you put on your skin but your body’s response will be individual."

So be mindful of what you are putting on yours and your kid’s skin. The clothes, the laundry detergent, oils, sprays and sunscreens…

Top benefits of Epsom salt baths:

  • Stimulate detoxification pathways in the body.
  • Prevent Magnesium Deficiency.
  • Eases stress and relaxes the body. 
  • Reduce anxiety and irritability and improves sleep patterns.
  • Constipation can also be relieved by taking Epsom salt baths. Magnesium salt promotes gastric activity in the intestines which provides a laxative effect. The stimulation of movement in the gut and colon further promotes detoxification processes.
  • Epsom Salt Baths Reduce Inflammation.

Magnesium and sulfate are both fine consistency minerals that can be absorbed through our skin and taken up into the bloodstream. Just as your skin perspires to remove toxins through your pores, these same pores also allow minerals in. Think “reverse osmosis” to understand the process which moves toxins out of the body and pulls magnesium and sulfate inward. When you soak in bath water containing epsom salts, reverse osmosis occurs to help cleanse your body.


Tips for Getting Maximum Benefit From Your Epsom Salts Bath
– Add herbs such as nettle, calendine, red clover, bergamot (bee balm), mullein, chickweed, yarrow…) Adding these herbs can stimulate the detoxification pathways, and help with skin conditions, plus it smells heavenly!
– Add Essential Oils − Turn your Epsom salts bath into a luxurious spa treatment by adding several drops of essential oils. Mix the oils with epsom salt 15 min prior to adding it to the bath water. This’ll prevent them from floating on top and get on the skin and bathtub surface. Therapeutic oils such as lavender essential oil and frankincense can promote relaxation and stimulate healing and/or just use any essential oils that you enjoy. I also love to add Bergamote, Rose-Geranium and blends like “Release”, “Stress Away”, “Peace & Calming” by Young Living brand.

– Use only natural, chemical free soaps and shampoo.

This is most trusted and affordable choice, you can order bigger 25 lbs bags directly from their site and they ship for free.

Read about the difference between Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) and Magnesium Chloride (Ancient Minerals Magnesium Flakes) HERE.

Detox with Hugs and Kisses. XOXO!!!

“A hug a day keeps the doctors away” 🙂
We all know that Children NEED hugs! But how really Important the hugs are? 
I always say that every little thing is important in the process of healing our kids!
A good genuine hearty hug can release a great amount of oxytocin – the “love hormone” a neurotransmitter and it can stay in your system for up to an hour (just to compare: oxytocin that is released with orgasm only stays for 5 min!)
They say you need to hug a child until he* releases, not you first. I noticed that my kids needed less and less hugging time when they started to heal 🙂
***promotes attachment and solidifies relationships
***is an antidepressant
***crystallizes emotional memories
***reduces cravings
***improves social skills, reduces social fears
*** induces sleep
*** heal wounds (through its anti-inflammatory properties)
*** relieve pain — everything from headaches, cramps and overall body aches.
*** fosters generosity
Oxytocin – It’s what makes us human 🙂 

So, hug your kids for dear life! XOXO!

detox protocols and herbs


Although this may not be the tastiest of herbs, it is an incredible blood cleanser and loaded with detoxifying nutrients, such as Iron, vitamins A, B1, B2,C, E, flavonoids, magnesium, amino acids, fiber….
Burdock is also a diuretic, helping to expel toxic buildup in your blood and eliminate it through your urine.
Burdock is a strong herb and it would be advised to include this, once you have gone through other detoxification protocols. It has a very strong affinity for the liver and works extremely well to eliminate toxins, therefore it can make you feel quite ill if other detoxification pathways are not optimized(!)
Burdock is high in fructooligosaccharides or FOS, which will increase the beneficial bifidobacterium and eliminate the bacterial pathogens that can build up in the gut. In addition, burdock increases saliva and bile secretions to help break down, bind and excrete toxins from the body.
Burdock is also great for supporting the adrenals, helping to balance blood sugar and contains antimicrobial compounds. Helps protect the healthy cells in the liver from free radical damage or inflammation caused by toxins. It also stimulates the regeneration of new healthy cells and aids the body in mopping up toxins.
It helps to increase glutathione production, the body’s major antioxidant substrate. This herb has no adverse side effects, though it may loosen stools slightly as it increases bile flow.

Parts used: root, seeds.

This herb is most widely used for liver detoxification and is readily available. Milk thistle can help to regenerate liver cells and provides vital nutrients for the liver in helping it to expel toxins and metabolic waste. It also helps to produce bile, which assists in supporting digestion.Milk thistle acts in a similar fashion to detoxify other synthetic chemicals that find their way into our bodies, from acetaminophen and alcohol to heavy metals and radiation. Milk thistle was approved in 1986 as a treatment for liver disease and it is widely used to treat alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic fatty liver, cirrhosis, liver poisoning and viral hepatitis. Milk thistle also supports the pituitary gland. 

Where to buy:   

To use: Grind the seeds and store in fridge. Then add to smoothies, salads and any other dishes as a spice. Add to your baking – in bread and pancakes, anywhere really! I even stuff dates with this! 🙂Cold Summer Soup from Russia Dairy free recipe

Purifying and diuretic herb and as such – good for detox support.

Red clover is incredible for cleansing the blood.

The flowers have the ability to carry waste out of the bloodstream, making this herb a valuable part of a detoxification protocol. Red clover can be used to relieve the symptoms of liver ailments.
“Red Clover is everything you thought soy would be, with none of soy’s drawbacks. Instead of leaching minerals from the bones, Red Clover contributes generously to bone health. Instead of disturbing the thyroid, Red Clover helps normalize it. And Red Clover has an iron-clad reputation for preventing and countering breast cancer. An easily assimilated form of calcium and other necessary elements is the common Red Clover tops.”
Health benefits of red clover include assisting in combating minor digestive problems like indigestion, increased acidity, heartburn, etc.

Red clover is also a powerful tonic, helping to assist in toxin breakdown within the lymphatic system. Its expectorant properties are also great for individuals needing lung support. However, make sure to do your research, as red clover is only appropriate in certain forms and amounts. Source of many valuable nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C.

***Red clover is also considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones (water-soluble chemicals that act like estrogens and are found in many plants), 

BUT the FACT is: – the Red Clover Plant is only** starts to produce estrogen as a survival mechanism for instance when sheep feed heavily on it. The estrogen compounds basically act as a contraceptive to the sheep, which brings down the population over time and eventually reduces the damage from overfeeding and restoring the natural balance within the ecosystem!

Now, the nearby cloverfield plants (with no livestock) can “anticipate” the danger and can begin to produce the same hormone-mimicking compound simply because they’ve been already “informed” from the nearby plant community!
And once the threat has been reduced – so is the production of estrogen!
Plants really are amazing! 🙂 Buy it HERE.

This herb is a Nature’s multivitamin! 

The Alfalfa plant raises minerals deep in the earth that aren’t accessible for most other plants since it sends its roots 20-30 ft down! 

Alfalfa is extraordinarily rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins that play big roles in the health, development, and strength of our bones. Alfalfa contains digestive enzymes and eight essential amino acids of protein and a high chlorophyll content. Alfalfa is an extremely rich source of Beta-Carotene, Minerals, Trace elements, and vitamins A,B-1, B-6, B-12, C, D, E, K, Biotin, Folic Acid, Niacin and Pantothenic Acid. Minerals are Calcium, copper, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.

Herbalists have used Alfalfa leaf for centuries to help with a variety of infections. 

Main benefits: 

  • Cleansing the blood.
  • Alkalises the body and detoxifies the body, especially the liver.
  • helps remove heavy metals out of the body
  • helps alleviate allergies,
  • aids in blood clotting,
  • promotes healthy digestion,
  • can ease morning sickness,
  • stimulate a healthy appetite.
  • Is helpful in reversing tooth decay and remineralizing teeth,
  • great source of Vitamin K so it helps improve Baby’s Vitamin K levels at birth if mom drinks during pregnancy.
  • Helps lower blood cholesterol (by impeding intestinal absorption) without affecting heart-healthy HDL cholesterol.
  • supports the pituitary gland,
  • Supportive during nursing.
  • contains an antifungal agent.
  • Anti inflammatory

Infusion: mix 1 tbsp. dried herb with 8 oz. of boiling water, infuse overnight. Drink 1 cup of this  daily.

Fresh: toss alfalfa sprouts in a salad. The alfalfa sprouts and the dry leaf are very mild in flavor and because of this, it can be used in many different ways.

Herbal Tea recipe:

Herbs in this tea are nourishing and detoxifying and are useful in ridding the blood of waste products and toxins. Dandelion and red clover are two such herbs that can be combined with other nutritive herbs (plants rich in vitamins and minerals) for the perfect springtime tea. 
1 part alfalfa
1 part dandelion leaf
1 part oatstraw
1 part red clover
1 part red raspberry
1 part lemongrass
Combine all the herbs. Use one tablespoon per cup of water. Pour boiling water over herb mixture, let steep for 40 minutes or best overnight, strain and drink.

It is important to insist on certified organic alfalfa, since the plant concentrates cadmium, copper, lead, nickel… when it is grown in contaminated soils. they do have a GMO, Roundup ready alfalfa, so be careful when you order yours!

The great thing about dandelion is that the flowers, leaves and roots support the health of your entire body. The bright yellow flowers contain high amounts of antioxidants and flavonoids, which are all great for supporting the liver and renewing cells. You can add the flowers to a pot of water and simmer on low for 15 to 20 minutes to make a sweet tasting, detoxifying tea. Dandelion leaves are an important part of a detox because of their diuretic action, and unique because they do not leach out potassium, an important electrolyte mineral. The nutritious leaves are a good source of vitamins A, B, C and zinc. Although dandelion can be bitter, it’s the bitterness that helps to stimulate the liver and gallbladder, thereby improving digestion.
Dandelion root has a natural diuretic effect, allowing your liver to more quickly eliminate toxins. It also helps strengthen the immune system, balance blood sugar levels, relieve heartburn and soothe digestive issues.

Nettle is one of the archetypal “Alterative” herbs, which nourishes our health by strengthening and balancing metabolic functions. It aids the liver in detoxification, and treats skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis and other rashes, which are believed to result from poor metabolic function.
Nettle improves protein metabolism.

It is a powerful antihistamine herb
Its diuretic properties help rid the body of wastes. Nettle contains a host of nutrients, and is arguably the most nutritious wild vegetable in North America.
Nettle is especially high in chlorophyll, protein and  iron. This high iron content makes it a very valuable aid in treating anemia, for which Nettles should become a regular part of the diet. 

Nettle not only provides iron, but also improves the body’s ability to effectively utilize it. You can add Nettle to pasta sauce, noodles, stir fries, soups, and lots of other stuff. It can also be combined with other wild greens as a regular part of your diet, being sure to cook it enough to get the sting out (though you don’t have to boil the life out of it). Fresh Nettles can be cooked in foods wherever spinach is called for.
In the words of southwest herbalist extraordinaire Michael Moore:
“Every year we see some new harebrained food supplement derived from weird sources, containing new stuff we didn’t know we needed (or even existed), and which we can now obtain… usually at great expense. Nettle is something you can gather yourself in places that you trust, and you can add it to smoothies and salad dressings, put it in bread, add it to your tea, home beer and so forth. It is green food that your body recognizes and can help build blood, tissue and self  empowerment.”
The Mineral Content  (per ounce)
Calcium – 966 mg
Chromium – 130 mcg
Iron – 1.4 mg
Magnesium 286 mg
Potassium – 583 mg
Selenium – 70 mcg

There are many benefits on the daily use of nettle infu­sion across the age spec­trum. 

The high con­cen­tra­tion of min­er­als sup­ports chil­dren in build­ing strong bones, mus­cles, teeth and ner­vous sys­tem. The effect on the ner­vous system, through­out the life­ cy­cle, induces a calm­ing effect lead­ing to increased focus, aware­ness and con­cen­tra­tion. This is ideal for chil­dren who tend to be over­whelmed or high energy. It’s nick­name is “Green Milk”, which is a great way to get your kids started early on this won­der­ful heal­ing herb.
As girls move into puberty sting­ing net­tle helps with exces­sive bleed­ing dur­ing men­stru­a­tion. Net­tles has a hemo­sta­tic affect, mean­ing it is used to stop exces­sive bleed­ing. It slows the heavy bleeding and sup­ports young women through the emo­tional ups and downs of menstruation.
Expec­tant and new moth­ers can use net­tles to nour­ish their unborn child, increase their own energy lev­els, and reduce hem­or­rhage after deliv­ery. Many moth­ers see a sig­nif­i­cant increase in breast milk by con­sum­ing 1–2 cups of net­tle infu­sion daily. The nutri­ents in the net­tles will then be passed onto the new­born as well.
Net­tles helps women to heal dur­ing the post child­bear­ing years. It restores the body’s nutri­ent reserves and helps to tonify the repro­duc­tive system.
Once women move past the age of child­bear­ing, sting­ing net­tle bal­ances the hor­mones and improves the brain func­tion often noted with the onset of menopause.
Boys and men also ben­e­fit from the high nutri­ent con­tent of sting­ing net­tle. They are sup­ported in bal­anc­ing their emo­tions, cre­at­ing more clar­ity and nour­ish­ing the entire body.”

How to make a nettle Infusion using Cold Infusion Method which is recommended for nettle by Michael Moore. 

Ground ivy tea is famous for its great natural detoxifying properties and it can be of a great help to those who live in the regions with high toxicity.
Ground ivy is great for removing lead and other heavy metals, making it a great herb to add in a detox formula. This herb is also a great diuretic, helping to eliminate waste and toxins from the kidneys and liver.
A well tolerated herb is a good treatment for gastritis and acid indigestion.
Also helps with dyspepsia (indigestion), tumors, diarrhea, cough, headache, nasal congestion, urinary system and bladder disorders, sore eye, abscesses. Ground-Ivy is being studied for use in preventing Leukemia, Bronchitis, Hepatitis, many kinds of cancer, and HIV.
Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of this medicinal herb can be used to treat and prevent all sorts of infections, especially the ones that affect skin and the mucous membrane.

Parts used: whole herb. Preparations: Infusion, tea, tincture.
Precautions: do not use if pregnant of breastfeeding. Its use is also contraindicated or prohibited by patients enduring epilepsy. Read my article about Ground Ivy HERE.Ground Ivy

protects the liver from incoming toxins through its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has a particular affinity for the liver and is therefore used in most detoxification programs. Like milk thistle, it may soften stools. Turmeric has been shown to increase the production of bile by over 100 percent, making it a powerful aid to toxin excretion.

Best to use fresh, or buy ground turmeric (not powdered) HERE.

yours truly, Milla Ezman

14 thoughts on “DETOX. Protocols & Herbs”

    1. 4-5 drops on the tub filled up to his belly button. Add it to the Epsom salt and let it be absorbed for a few minutes. dissolve the salt in the water before putting the kid in, it can irritate the skin if he sits on undissolved crystals.

  1. Milla such a wonderful mom you are … you are helping many mothers who is trying to bring out of the kids who is facing difficulties… thank you

  2. maha.ghafour

    Hi Milla,

    our naturepath Dr. wants to start with gemmotherapy for my ASD daughter, what do you think about it?

    1. I don’t know enough about it to form an advice. When I was reading about it a while back, it sounded like a method with a lot of “ifs” and “buts”. Unless you have a very knowledgeable doctor navigating it, but even then, the product he would use…you would have to trust it its made the correct way and does what it supposed to do. otherwise, I think good old herbs are the safest way to go 🙂

  3. Thank you for the articleMilla!!! How do you add the herbs to your epsom salt bath?


    1. Hi! Thank you for your comment! I make a large pot of tea out of extra herbs and then strain it and add to the bath. When I process yarrow or wild bergamot, I cut off the leaves and the flowers to dehydrate and use in herbal teas, but the stems have same constituents, so I use that to make the herbal bath tea. Also, There is always plenty or birth leaves all summer, raspberry leaves, Celandine, plantain, spruce, calendula and other botanicals that you can use to make the bath extra special 🙂 Yours truly, Milla Ezman.

    2. Dear Milla ,please suggest what to do if burdock root ,yellow dock and dandelion root ,a very mild tea is making my child restless,purpose is to eradicate constipation.

      1. Burdock root is a powerful detox herb, it’s usually advised to implement few other detox protocols and gentler herbs prior to adding it to the diet. It’s probably what caused your child’s symptoms. There is a number of things that could cause constipation, from the lack of exercise, meds, the lack of fiber in the diet or even too fast transition to raw, high fiber veggie diet…

        1. Shweta Warwade

          Thanks for your reply.can you please share which milder herbs you think can be tried.My child is not on any medicines and is very active throughout the day.but yes he has mitochondrial dysfunction and candida overgrowth along with some bacterial infections,if they are giving constipation

          1. milk thistle, alfalfa, nettle, turmeric, red clover are all gentle herbs, but I advise you to learn about each one you are adding to your diet before you add them. Id starts with alfalfa because it has the highest concentration of vitamins and minerals than any other herb. Best of Health!

    1. I agree:) we are so fortunate milla finally created Siberian cederland a website to share her wisdom and to help those who really need it
      Many thanks MILLA ❤

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“Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine” by Andrew Chevallier.
“Medicinal Herbs” by Rosemary Gladstar.
“Prescription for nutritional healing” 3rd edition. by Phyllis A. Balch and James F. Balch
“The Top 10 Detox Herbs” by Dr. Edward Group

“Detoxification” –


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